Is a standard forest inventory suitable as monitoring tool for adaptive management?

Typcally a standard forest inventory is based on a statistical sample from the forest area of a forest management unit. The selection can be based on a regular grid of a specific mesh size or any other objective method. A standard remeasurement period in temperate high forests is 10 years. Although forest inventories are inevitable for sustainable forest management standard inventories may not be perfectly suited to monitor adaptive management. The core idea of adaptive management is that periodically it is evaluated whether the implemented management activities perform as expected. For this purpose the effect of management must be isolated from other factors which may affect forest development (e.g. elapse of time, disturbances, climate change, etc.). This requires usually some „baseline“ variant which must be comparable otherwise with the forest area where a particular adaptive measure has been implemented. Sampling method and sampling percentage (i.e. how many samples, which share of the area) depend on the effects that should be detected.